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I glad to see you here. Let me introduce myself...

​My name is Alise. I'm a KKH editor on instagram and graphic desinger in real life. This site was made to help beginner editors in KKH community.

I'll be sharing here helpful KKH related content. Such as AVI bodies, editing tutorials and a lot more usefull things.


If you using some of my stuff please give a credit, it's the smallest thing that you can thank me with, for my work that I making for free. To give a credit just tag me on instagram. My instagram: @alisekimk.

Also you can send me some coin if you feel like so, to help me and inspire me on more free stuff to share. You can do it by using that PayPal button below.

Rulles to use my content:


Give a credit

If you using my content please give a credit to the author. Tag me on instagram as @alisekimk or mention my site.


Don't re-edit my content

Don't re-edit my content. If you want to just ask my permission to do so.


Don't steal or claim as yours

Don't steal my content or claim as yours. You haven't made it. Just give a credit when you use it. Appreciate my work please!


Content made in tutorials isn't free to use

Tutorials was made for educational purpose and only shows ways and tools that I use to create that kind of art. Anything that was made in tutorials on my site isn't free to use! Unless it was said opposed.

E D I T I N G   O N   N E W   L E V E L   I S   H E R E
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